BIONICLE Comedy Central Wiki

Goldeaglefire Goldeaglefire 26 August 2014

I Hate Norton Family. T T

OK, so, as the title says, I am currently in HATE with Norton Family. Why? Because now it's blocking WIKIA. Do you know how complicated it was to actually manage to WRITE A SINGLE BLOG POST? Ugh!

So, anyway, despite it's fierceness when it comes to things like Youtube, it's not as fierce here, and I can get past it. But, still, I'm going to be even LESS active then before. Just wanted you guys to know. :(

...However, my school computer allows wikia, so...I might be able to go on here from school when I have the time. That's a bit better, but not by much.

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Goldeaglefire Goldeaglefire 30 June 2014

Hey, Guys, Look at This.

Go to it. Now. It's awesome. And Anti-Mods. :P

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Goldeaglefire Goldeaglefire 19 June 2014


...Ok, I believe there's a certain topic that we all are currently on: How to stop the Mod's campaign? Well, of course, LQ has stated that we should be proffesional and respectful towards the Mods, and Mace and I had discussed before that the best way to start snapping everyone out of their mindless trance is to post a topic, likely in the community chat fourm, to publicly speak out agaisnt them. Well, I decided that the best way to do both is to make a topic providing EVIDENCE. That evidence will be gathered here. Once we have enough, one of us (perferringly someone who isn't on the Mods hitlist,) will post a topic containing it.


Ok, guys, I found this video while I was on Youtube. Pay close attention to it, because it discusses a rather…

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Goldeaglefire Goldeaglefire 1 June 2014

Incident: 1310N1CL3 C0NT4CT


Class: Keter.

Declassification: The Biological Chronicle Portal.

Containment Procedures: SCP-4327 is to be closed as soon as possible. Class 2 Personnel are to guard SCP-4237 at all times. If something comes in or out of SCP-4327, please inform the highest ranking member in the area.

If SCP-4237-1 is spotted, proceed to capture for interregation.

Description: SCP-4237 is a large portal, much like the ones created by SCP-120, except, instead of leading to a known location in our world, this one seems to lead to another dimension entirely. The locations seem to be randomly picked, but they all seem to be in the same dimension.

Many personnel report seeing a strange, black, life-sized LEGO skeleton in a white general's suit, white pants, …

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Goldeaglefire Goldeaglefire 29 May 2014

A Song That Says Something

Ok...I know a lot of us are upset about the BCC's closing, and while we've accepted it, we can't get over it.

Well, a few minutes ago, I found this.

Hope it helps.

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